Thursday, November 30, 2006

bless all nations with dignity and success ...

Recently H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent an open letter to the American people.

His letter can be viewed here:

As I read Dr. Ahmadinejad's letter I made notes of my thoughts:

The opening page of Dr. Ahmadinejad's letter is either straight from the heart, or a bald faced lie.

How do I decide ?

If I buy into to the current campaign of hate spewed by the infamous American "media outlets" I would quickly choose the latter, but since I do not ... deciding is not easy for me.

Such a decision has to be based in part on Iranians I have known throughout my life - people I could talk with easily as with anyone else, whether 50 years ago, or much more recently.

Anyone who wants me to hate Iran and all its people quickly points to the line reminding that " ... aggressions by the Zionists are making life more and more difficult for the rightful owners of the land of Palestine"

Anyone who minimizes suffering of Palestinians, even without urging me to hate another group, does not have my sympathy, and I relate to such individuals with caution - their motives too convoluted for me, because anyone who cannot understand that truly, for Palestinians, "No day goes by without a new crime" has not enough compassion for anyone as I can see.

I personally do not understand what hold Zionists have over the government, my government, which is supposedly elected by the American People - which it obviously has not been for some time.

I do not understand how my government has been so hijacked by another government, blackmailed into submission by a group who holds dual citizenship even as some of its members serve in the very government, my government, which is an activity they cannot perform *in good faith* due to the very conflict of interest abiding in their dual citizenship - yet through some diabolical religious mafia coercion, many Americans seem to believe they are somehow doing God's will by supporting such a traitorous lot - I do not understand.

Nor do I understand why a friend who is a Zionist has not yet, in a few months time, found time to enlighten me so as to soften my obvious bias against Zionism, which I continue to regard as a cancer in this world.

So ? I should read Dr. Ahmadinejad's comments as those of an enemy ?

Oy vey !

How can I not view the oil pipelines which continue to be constructed THROUGH Iraq, see where they go, and not understand that the occupation of Iraq is not about oil, not about democracy or liberation of Iraqis, but about MONEY and liberation of resources and land FROM Iraqis ?

How can I not, as a human being, understand that Iraqis, and Iranians too, will be FREE - regardless of U.S. or Zionist or any other intimidation to SUBMIT to outside control: They fight occupation just the same as would I had my home been invaded.

No - as an American I do NOT "consent to the billions of dollars of annual expenditure from your treasury for this military" debacle which makes monsters of my neighbours who have been sent to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan, who I watch go over the edge from the utter frustration of attempting to do the impossible and then taking out their frustrations on innocent people.

No - as an American I do NOT consent to my government's agencies *disappearing* other human beings indefinitely - in secret, without warning or due process - NO ! NOT IN MY NAME ! ... so that I must first apologize for the actions of my government to anyone who is not American before I can rightfully continue to speak about anything else; otherwise, I must hold silence in shame.

My government which could have been best hope for humanity, where "Legitimacy and influence reside in sound logic, quest for justice and compassion and empathy for all humanity" ... is reduced to a tragicomic caricature increasingly hated by everyone so that the only hope for freedom remaining is the indomitable human spirit itself.

... but the U.S. "administration" will neither hear nor heed anything other than its own greed.

As I read Dr. Ahmadinejad's words today I sense truth spoken respectfully, yet I keep looking for the hook - the trap set by a foe.

Nothing in the man's demeanor for which I suspect a trap - only that so many voices around me echo fear of his intentions, so I look for the hook as Ahmadinejad says:

"The global position of the United States is in all probability weakened because the administration has continued to resort to force, to conceal the truth, and to mislead the American people about its policies and practices."

"in all probability" ??? The man is too kind, much too kind ... or hiding something.

The global position of the United States is absolutely and undeniably weakened - and done so by design.

There are simply too many dimensions to the current global conflict for most people to even begin to grasp the enourmity of it.

The "global position" of the United States, which could have remained strong, is ultimately best defeated and destroyed by the very gross *misapplication* of it that we are witnessing today.

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and all the "extraordinary renditions" criminal minds can create are nothing more than a cover for the absolute *rendering* of all mankind.

Dr. Ahmadinejad perhaps shows a lack of understanding if he really thinks "the winners of the recent elections" will bring any significant change to the affairs of this world - perhaps even he does not understand how deeply the cancer has invaded, and in that way perhaps both he and I are such simple-minded fools that we are already relegated to the historical scrap heap.

Oddly, somehow I do maintain some hope that "the American people, will play an instrumental role in the establishment of justice and spirituality throughout the world" ... but with every day that passes, such hope is harder for me to feel.

The "promises" will be fulfilled - with us or without us - that is certain, and anyone who would tell me that Dr. Ahmadinejad's urging us to "heed the Divine Word of the Holy Qur'an" is a "call to Islam" is someone who does not yet understand that universal laws are spoken through religion and texts, but those same laws prevail regardless the existence of any religion.

I too "pray to the Almighty to bless the Iranian and American nations and indeed all nations of the world with dignity and success."



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