Sunday, August 27, 2006

One nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for ALL

"One nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for all" recognizes the existence of "God" or Creator (whatever) - something greater than "We, The People" ... but does NOT say *whose* god, does NOT specify any *religion* as an expression or demonstration of existence of "god" - only that the nation exists "in the sight of God" and that We, The People, however we individually determine our own spirituality, our own relationship to, or recognition of (or lack thereof) God, are not to be denied Liberty and Justice - the very same "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness" guaranteed us as "unalienable rights" [inalienable rights] (not awarded by human power; therefore which must be "awarded" by a higher power) in the (our) Declaration of Independence.

To impose a so-called "faith-based" [see footnote] *anything* first of all excludes that portion of "We, The People" who do not maintain a "faith-based" existence, but who are nonetheless *guaranteed* "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness"
(Liberty and Justice for *all* - not some).

Second, by definition of "faith" ("fidelity to one's promises"; ie. sect, creed, etc. ... or "belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion") then someone holding public office on a so-called "faith-based agenda" is in some way *intentionally exclusive* in his or her role; therefore does not serve *all* of We, The People - ALL of whom are guaranteed *Liberty and Justice* regardless.

The United States *of America* was founded on Christian *ideals* - not on religious principles (huge difference). Religious principles are exactly what set the "Founding Fathers" and Mothers and their families on ships to a place where they could be FREE of such oppression, for which they intentionally designed a government to be FREE of such oppression for ALL people.

* "The paramount goal is compassionate results, and private and charitable groups, including religious ones, should have the fullest opportunity permitted by law to compete on a level playing field, so long as they achieve valid public purposes, like curbing crime, conquering addiction, strengthening families, and overcoming poverty."
- President George W. Bush (

[Since when is it a role of United States government to regulate religion - giving "fullest opportunity" ...
"so long as" (read IF) "they achieve *valid* public purpose" ?]


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