Monday, June 26, 2006

credibility ...

Thermometer on the fence indicates 125 F this am

Is one of those things I will leave behind when I go ...

Hard to know who or what to believe these days.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

can you ... ?



Not in my name ! No more ! Will you ?


Friday, June 16, 2006

the price of being honest ...

From where I sit, we are already well past the "tipping point" and everyone is engaged in the long slide downward - many enjoying the ride - not yet to the inevitable dogpile at the bottom in which many will be crushed. Afterward, those who survive will extricate themselves - some asking " What happened ? " while others continue to deny that anything happened, and for a while still, everyone will be "brushing themselves off" ...

As a friend rightly says, " Something fundamental will change in the American economy when the corruption and the political failure to offer effective leadership gets bad enough. " - only our democratic MISrepresentation and / or "representative misgovernment" are already MORE than "bad enough" as our elected officials are not only NOT doing what they were elected to do, but are in fact going outside the entire system to create a "new and improved" system of their own, using our tax dollars to do it, so that not only are we not getting the "product" we expect and which we contracted for delivery, we are likely to take delivery of a product we may very well find has no utility whatsoever.

As I see it, "widespread public action" has been intentionally defused by such a barrage of wrongdoing that there is no possibility to ever fully investigate even a portion of any of it, and " Why should we try ? " is a calculated response. The American public is constantly and continually kept off balance so that if anyone mentions even a possibility that public energy is being subverted, the speaker is instantly labelled a conspiracy nut since, logically, rationally, no person or group could possibly go to such lengths to fulfill an agenda ...

... yet the beauty of the plan is that no great effort needs expended to bring the plan to fruition. Just as in 12 years of watching extremists ( regardless of their religion ) operate with increasing ease within U.S. borders, federal agencies shared that information with each other, and shared knowledge that some of those agencies were in one way or other making it easier not only for those extremists to operate within U.S. but to travel in and out of U.S. AND to get through customs and INS, etc. - in essence *training* them to operate here at U.S. taxpayer expense ...

... that those same agencies were jockeying to see which one could better justify receiving tax dollars for its "effectiveness" while at the same time slapping down any agent who sounded an alarm ( such as that an attack was imminent ); that at least one of those agencies continued to be so preoccupied with its "no mobster left on the street" mission that it totally failed to take in any way seriously some "little brown men" who sometimes wore robes and adorned their heads with what some called "towels" even though that same agency knew in vivid detail not only that those same men were skilled in manufacturing explosives, but in assembling undetectable explosive devices - because the agencies had the plans in their own hands ! ... and because the extremists had already used those devices within the U.S. more than once ...

... that in the 12 years of knowing those extremists had plans to do severe damage within U.S. borders and that with each passing day the inevitability of executing those plans was more sure - just a matter of time - at some point a decision was made not only to not stop them, nor simply "allow" them to continue either - instead to do whatever could be done to ensure their success, to augment and facilitate their plans, so that when they finally succeeded, the damage done would be even worse than they would have been capable of creating on their own.

In the same way, an "obstacle" to the greater plan was eliminated by infiltrating and subverting the so-called "militia" or "white power" movement ( whether or not one agrees that movement should have been slowed or stopped ) and using individuals associated with that movement in such way as to implicate them in an "internal" plot ( which was actually an external plot ) to strike at the heartland of the country, in Oklahoma City - thus suppressing a wide range of "voices of dissent" and taking down at the same time any similar threat "of colour" or of a religious nature. Have you noticed how quiet on those fronts ever since ... ?

In the very same ways, the "inevitable" corrupt nature of our elected and appointed "officials" is now used to ensure the destruction of our own government and of our way of life as a nation, and when that government is destroyed, it will be the fault of The People who voted those corrupt, elected officials into office, even though the very same officials were not "elected" in any recent years by a "popular" vote ... thus evidencing once again the stupidity of The People and their need for better "governance" ...

... but of course that is all *theory* which makes "plausible deniability" an innocent kiss between two kindergartners ...

The kicker is that there is no way out, because the *political people* who still want to "work from within" ( as I still did when I joined TS ) do not yet understand that what they want to change no longer exists - that not only has Democracy been written off as a failed experiment ( which only makes people fat and lazy and more likely to argue among themselves ), but that the only place on earth where Democracy flourished freely for any length of time in the whole history of humankind to date has already been sold to the highest bidder.

John also says in essence, I believe ( correct me if I am wrong John ) as I have said previously, that if we are going to say we live under Rule of Law, then it is all or nothing - NO ONE is above the law, not for any reason.

I saved this for last, because I still intend to count sunrises: "Perhaps the solution is here on the Internet. A public investigation that produces the questions and many of the facts. Finally perhaps civil action against corrupt officials needs to be taken in the courts by some public action coalition. One small conviction might be all you need to change the tide. Prove that the guilty can't hide."

For quite some time I have held hope that the Internet is a tool which will help us achieve the "critical mass" in thinking ( assuming we can avoid offending each other with a remark that is misinterpreted ) which might help us survive. It is going to take some sharp minds to keep the Internet free of profiteers who can so easily deny our access to this survival tool.

Thank you if you read this entire rant : )

Sunday, June 11, 2006

what does "waging war on terror" really mean?

Has American foreign policy has become no more than a tool for "elite takeover" of world governments ?

Privatizing world governments - for profit.

While the audience banters about antics of the actors (politicians, their supporters and detractors) "on the stage," no one seems to notice ...

The building in which both stage and audience reside - is on fire.

To assume a worldwide guerilla war is no more than waged against " ... attempt of the great powers to divide up the world in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, which provoked revolution, secession, and partition" [John B. Judis] is in my view to miss the fact that no matter what their religion, human beings are not going to sit still to being overrun by forces which intend nothing other than to enslave them - even as such enslavement is described as "democritization" or "guaranteeing freedom" ...

People have a basic right to determine their own course - even if it kills them; a right to evolve political or other systems different from, unlike, or even contrary to, political or other systems which may at any time be more frequent or common - for which such people need allowed to perform their social experiment within certain boundaries - in peace - as long as they do not attempt to subvert other peoples and territories against their will.

The so-called *War on Terror* ... "should be redefined as a police and intelligence operation" - which is what it should have been all along ... especially coming from a nation with a premise of Rule of Law - supposing that same nation intends "law" to rule in the rest of the world.

Posturing and "conflicts-in-waiting" squabbles between major world leaders are mostly smoke and mirrors among mostly MEN who exchange currencies in handshake agreements not only without regard to peoples of nations involved - but with no apparent regard whatsoever to the effects those same deals will have on the supposed "conflicts-in-waiting" for which those peoples are supposed to live in fear, which leaves one to ask how or why then such "conflicts-in-waiting" are to be taken seriously any longer.

How or why are those "major world leaders" to be taken seriously any longer as it becomes more and more clear their deals are made to profit someone who is not a citizen of any nation any one of them represents ?

Who can rationally continue to suppose that a so-called "major world leader" actually represents best interests of his own nation when he approves sale of *secret technologies* and obstructs or diverts his own nation's strategic advantages ?

Why suppose such a man even holds office without approval of those who profit from his *dealmaking* - or even that his dealmaking is not also approved by the same entities ... or suppose that "lesser" world leaders are not approved, or cannot or will not be replaced or bought ?

Who can now look in a mirror and truly decide on which side of the glass one stands ... ?

Friday, June 02, 2006

partnering for a better tomorrow

Ah, Verichip, I say unto you ...

Partnering for a Better Tomorrow:

"VeriChip and Ricoh to Demonstrate VeriTrace(TM), an End-to-End Implantable Tagging Solution for Remains and Evidentiary Items at the 2006 National Disaster Medical System Conference"

Let Katrina speak ! ... for instance: If all NO residents had been "chipped" we would know more easily who was lost, who not accounted for, and body locating cost would have been much less ...

A company spends millions of dollars to produce a product no one wants. Company sales force visits homes for mentally challenged, encouraging family caretakers to "chip" their loved one so that next time he decides to take a flyer from the compound, he can be located more easily. Even though they consider the offer, and the money that is offered to take the offer, they decide against ...

Parents are urged to "chip" their children so next time they are kidnapped ... but wait a minute. The "chip" makes it easy to identify the remains. The "chip" is not a beacon through which the child can be tracked. Deception ... ?

Older "parents" are urged to "chip" their pets. Makes it so much easier when Fifi gets off the bus in Portland for her "mom" in the Bay Area to know her whereabouts once Fifi is delivered to local animal shelter ... or if Fifi is flattened by a bus tire ... but wave all the wands you want at every cat you see and you will not see Fifi until you are within 10 feet of her fluffly little body.

Okay ! Mr. Chairman ? Bernie here has got an idea just might get this company in profit.

Tell us about it, Bernie ...

Bernie: Well, I was thinking about all those people coming across the borders, you know, without papers ? There are more and more of them all the time, and some people are unhappy there are so many people in the U.S. who are not here legally - taxpayers complain about them getting free services, committing crimes and getting away, bringing drugs in, you know ? So I was thinking if we could get Congress to pass a law saying all those foreign immigrants here without proper papers - 12 million of them I think now - if we could get an arrangement so all those people could stay in the U.S. on the condition they have to carry one of our RFID tags ...

And there the course of human history changed. Americans loved the idea: " Okay, let 'em stay, but we will know where they are every minute, and when their time is up ... we'll ship 'em back where they came from. "

Stupid Americans. They did not understand that once it was okay for "others" to be chipped, it was only a day or two before it was okay for THEM to be chipped. Our agreement includes a yearly maintenance fee of $80 to keep each chip activated. Without activation, the chips do not function at banks and stores. It is not possible to pay or to be paid, to buy or sell without an activated chip. Our stock is now the most heavily traded on the exchange ...