Friday, March 24, 2006

it may already be too late ...

Our focus is naturally of the Oval Office - the seat of the Executive and the power we have come to assume resides there ...

Far more than enough criticism is due the Executive right now - no argument there.

... yet what we miss is the accumulation of decisions which somehow no longer come to the attention of the Executive.

If the president of the United States was functioning completely, abuses of position in goverment agencies would not be allowed as they have been for decades.

What should be most alarming to Americans, and to people everywhere, however, is that which will go unrecognized until too late.

Most of us continue to assume the United States dominates world affairs, but that illusion is close to becoming not only too difficult, but unnecessary, to maintain.

Decisions made decades ago now precipitate events in which the American Executive plays a role more of reaction than what we would expect from our understanding of our system of government - another "unexpected" crisis to complicate and frustrate the state of crisis our country is already under.

Americans are close to, or in some cases already reaching, burnout from a constant barrage of contradictory information. It is simply impossible to sort fact from fiction when so much disinformation, false leads, dead end investigations, and outright lies cause decisions to be made based on faulty assumptions or "evidence" which has been either manipulated or manufactured.

Further complicating the mess is "lesser of evils" legislation which results, but should never be considered since appropriate laws already exist. Current laws are enforced only as they are beneficial to those in power. When a law is not beneficial, some "crisis" is arranged to cause new, more beneficial (to those in power) legislation to be enacted. The overall drain on time and resources for lawmakers who we expect to deal with the pressing issues of our society becomes, in its enourmity, more than a coincidence, more than a temporary challenge, but appears a situation that will remain unchanged.

Within our country decisions have been made to hide details of certain events because of what revealing those details would unravel - simply said, high-ranking officials would suffer monetary loss and serve time in prison.

Outside our country, forces work to "make life better" for citizens of the world - a movement which has great appeal, but in fact is motivated only by the prospect accumulating more money to those who already have more money. Nothing is done by that group except as a business deal which has no concern for the welfare of any population.

For the average American such a scenario is impossible, incomprehensible - no way to wrap one's mind around it, so in frustration all we can do is continue to point to the very place where we know the responsibility should reside. The clock is ticking ...


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