Thursday, March 09, 2006

understanding the planned assault ...

I have no crystal ball, nor do I want one.

I do not and cannot even pretend to see or declare what will actually happen, but I am aware of potentials ...

Among other things on the future horizon:

There are too many among both "sensitives" and non-sensitives right now pointing to an "end of March event" ...

The greatest potential I see is seismic in nature.

A still unexplained world-wide event within the first minutes of 2006 may be only a signal.

"... at 00:14:30 the event was simultaneous at Yakutsk, Russia -
Black Hills, South Dakota - Mudanjiang, China - Kevo, Finland -
Albuquerque, New Mexico.

At 0015:50 the event was also simultaneous at Lusaka, Zambia -
Riachuelo, Brazil – Matsushiro, Japan - Garni, Armenia. "

U.S. (Aleutian) and Russian (Bilibino) bases have been sparring for months, and it could be some of that activity is "mitigating" - that is, meant to counter destructive activity.

It is not clear to me who is aiming for destruction or who would mitigate destruction, or whether the whole of it is no more than "experimental" in nature.

What is clear to me is that our entire earth environment is being experimented with in ways that may not be good for our health and survival.

There is sufficient reason in my view to assume our nation's agricultural industry is already under a "quiet" weather-related attack.

The worst potential I see is for a seismic "experiment" to succeed - an event which, even if only partially successful, would change the face of the continent.

With greater success, the "experiment" could change the shape of the continent.

The "experiment" is not nuclear, but scalar in nature.

As with September 11, after-the-fact there can be no denying that it was known ahead of time, should such an event occur ... for anyone with presence of mind to ask, that is.

Knowing the potential of what is out there has changed me to my core - knowing I may be among the first to go ...

... or that I may finally be living the kind of "life" I have known all my life was a possibility within my lifetime.

I have hesitated to say anything at all, and am still not comfortable doing so, but the information is out there - no secret - then a friend posts an article containing:

"It would appear that this sinister complex of criminality involves
one further twist. There have been indications that the planned
attack maybe immediately preceded (and of course ‘legitimized’)
by another 9/11-type event within the U.S."

The potential "9/11-type event" I can see as a possibility is one which makes Katrina look like a fire drill in a school yard, and makes collapse of Twin Towers seem little more than structural demolition with great loss of life.

Think me daft if you like, but I ask you why any of this should come to us as surprise after what we have already experienced ?

As much as anyone can be I suppose, I am at peace, and my prayers are with you all.

Hope to be talking with you all this coming summer ...


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