Thursday, January 26, 2006

set aside time to think clearly ...

Whatever voice Rush Limbaugh might have had that could help bring Americans together ...

Where is it ? Where is that voice ?

Valid arguments are being made by individuals on both the Left and the Right. Increasingly, I am finding Rush, O'Reilly, et al. as not much more than noise. They become more and more entrenched in a position so there is no longer any debate. Callers are screened, which to me is a first flag on any play they make.

The hour is very late and our whole way of life is in peril. We simply must be able not only to talk with each other, but to HEAR each other, and consider respectfully what another person is saying, and what compels them to speak, what motivates their message.

I do not believe the likes of Rush and Bill are much listening now - not to anything that is outside of what seems to me an increasingly narrow view, which seems to do no more than quickly dismiss anything else. In that way, many of us learn to do the same.

" Many Americans on the left and the right aren't interested in the truth, but simply want news that confirms their viewpoints, he said. You'd think that it's no more complex than good vs. evil. " - Aaron Brown

We are none of us ever going to agree on everything, but most of us agree on some things every day. In that way, open discussion is kept alive, and together we sort out what is most important and do what we can to change things.

Instead, these "position peddlers" are delivering a narcotic.
" Everyone from executives and judges to scientists and politicians may reason to emotionally biased judgments when they have a vested interest in how to interpret 'the facts' ..."

Once again, I have to say that anyone who is receiving a paycheck in return for so-called "political discussion" is not to be trusted.

Keep for yourself some quiet time each day in which you can think clearly and draw your own conclusions - about EVERYthing.


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