Wednesday, December 07, 2005

We still remember ...

64 years ago today - we remember what happened, and we remember we do not know why it happened. "History is not always what you expect."

Today, far away from that time, there is a new paradigm of invasion.

By Frosty Wooldridge (12/05/05)

" America is in trouble. Look across our nation. It’s quiet, like the stillness before a tornado when birds stop singing. Those who see ‘it’ coming are in the minority. The ‘it’ is a massive whirlwind of illegal aliens funneling into our country. This nation is in danger--more danger than anyone could have imagined a decade ago.

You can ‘feel’ it when you listen to the evening news. You shake your head in disbelief at what’s happening around the world. In the Middle East, bombers strive for martyrdom on busses full of innocent people. Iraq can’t help itself, but we’re dying trying to help them. Who ever dreamed that Israel and Muslims could commit such mayhem on each other?

Back in the United States, who imagined a $7.9 trillion U.S. debt brought to us by our politicians? Who is at the helm of this Titanic, anyway? Quiet! You can hear it in our schools, banks, coffee shops, card games and recreation centers. People are talking. Who dreamed that our national language, English, would be SO disrespected by newcomers to the American Dream that it’s not spoken in public. You feel like a foreigner in your own country.

Who could imagine the rate of immigration exceeds the rate of assimilation? We’re allowing a country within our country. The same thing happened to Rome.

This nation is in the midst of profound almost diabolical change. People mumble their fears concerning change, but in this case, not positive change. What is positive about California today with a budget crisis at $38 billion that explodes without solution? What can be good when that state suffers eternal gridlock, escalating ethnic violence in its schools, urban gangs dominating entire sections of cities and a sense of hopelessness? Because of illegal immigration, California must build one new school 24/7 and staff it with teachers who can speak over 50 languages in order to keep up with their insane growth driven by immigration. They are failing and their kids suffer. Is that positive change? The Golden State’s problems are so overwhelming that 800,000 Californians fled last year. Ironically, today, more Californians live in Idaho than native Idahoans. "

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