Sunday, December 11, 2005

Do I know you ... ?

Why do I not live my life in rage as others do ?

Certainly I could ...

I talk to people of a day who rage for reasons of their own - rage against a war, against a President.

They focus their rage on a point they have selected.

They have identified an enemy on which to focus the rage of their perceived powerlessness.

Their enemy moves in shadows all the while, unseen by them, unknown to them.

Some of these people I talk with focus some of their rage on the homeless.

Among the homeless on the streets of America are military Veterans - Black, White ... men of all shapes and colours, different backgrounds, all with a common experience.

Ordinary citizens in their rage against government want government to do something about the homeless.

Ordinary citizens sometimes work sincerely to help the homeless.

Other ordinary citizens want only for the homeless to disappear - a government program to clear them all away.

Some ordinary American citizens have never been in war - not even since September 11

Some ordinary American citizens know little or nothing about life in the military, surviving in war.

I wish all citizens everywhere on Earth were so fortunate as they.

Many of us are not.

Some of us remember how ordinary American citizens supplied the enemy.

Jack Cunningham remembers:

We remember how those supplies got our best friend killed.

Some of us do live in constant rage so many years later, knowing what we know ...

Some of us Veterans choose a life on the fringe, on the out, because we do not trust ordinary citizens.

Not even ordinary American citizens.

Some Veterans will never again trust ordinary citizens because to them any one of "them" could be the enemy.

We have not forgot our friends who died, nor will.



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