Friday, March 10, 2006

The 3/29 Cluster

The 3/29 Cluster
By Eric Francis Coppolino

Historical events each have their own ongoing story, for those who would look. A single point in time commences a sequence of events that can be tracked astrologically, using the original event as a reference point. The presidential inauguration of January 20, 2005, is an excellent example—and we've been looking at that chart in this column since August 2004, some months before George Bush and Dick Cheney were supposedly reelected.

Of course, you cannot be reelected if you weren't elected in the first place. When I'm in a good mood, I find it entertaining how many people are sure that Bush and Cheney stole the first election but won the second one legitimately, and that this viewpoint is somehow considered sensible.

Yet anyone who followed the '"hack the vote" story by Paul Krugman in the New York Times, or who knows the names Wade O'Dell or Diebold, realizes that the second election had its problems as well. But, somewhat miraculously, it led to an inaugural ceremony, and that ceremony has a chart, and that chart is presently a central horoscope for our nation.

Because astrology is mathematical, the inaugural chart gave us two dates to look at, both of them previously published in this space. The first was October 28, 2005; the second is March 29, 2006. In the summer before the election, I suggested that late October would be about when the media would start to figure out what was really going on. Not a very precise prediction, but I'm not here to dictate. The first date turned out to be when Scooter Libby was indicted for obstructing justice in the Valerie Plame spy-outing case.

I recognize that this is seen by many as one of those business-as-usual items, or another scandal du jour, but given the national security issues involved, and the fact that the alleged crimes involve covering up other probable crimes committed in the run-up to the Iraq war, it really is a big deal.

The Libby indictment marked what we could reasonably describe as a serious downslide in the credibility of the Bush administration. In the two months that followed, a more serious issue, also involving espionage, surfaced, and for a while now it has overshadowed the Libby indictment: the fact that the National Security Agency has been spying on the American people, without the authorization of the court system.

Bush has taken responsibility and said the program will continue, using the old Nixonian argument that whatever the president does is legal. But whatever he may have thought, it didn't work so well for Tricky Dick, as spying on the American people was listed in the articles of impeachment that were never used because Nixon quit just in time. (And then, if you recall, he was pardoned.)

While the spy-outing story has failed to capture the public imagination or spark off much of a debate, mainly because it's so complicated, turning the NSA loose on American citizens has got a pretty good discussion going. Neither issue is going to go away.

It would appear, however, that something entirely new comes to the surface in late March, some time between the equinox on March 21 and the first few days of April. The epicenter of a cluster of astrological events is a total solar eclipse on March 29. This eclipse happens in the sign Aries, close to what is called the Aries Point—the first degree of the first sign of the zodiac. Though the eclipse occurs on the ninth day of the spring—that is, eight days and 12 hours after the Sun has entered Aries—experience shows that it's well within range of a worldwide event. Eclipses have a wide reach, and Aries always delivers high amperage.

The Aries Point has as its theme "the personal is political.'" Events that involve this point have the quality of bringing a lot of people together, and giving the news an extraordinarily personal feeling. We get the sense that we're somehow personally involved, that we must take action, or that we will actually be affected by world events. In today's atmosphere, when nothing seems to matter, this usually points to pretty noteworthy news.

The fact that the inauguration chart goes off the same day offers some insight into what might be developing, and is, of its own, a truly stunning synchronicity. The inauguration chart event (in the progressed horoscope, in case you're curious) involves the Gemini Moon opposing Pluto in Sagittarius. It would seem that something, some action of the administration, backfires. Could it be attacking Iran? Well, it would be something that self-destructive.

Something occurs that divides the population: Gemini (division) Moon (the population) opposing Pluto: an emotional force that people respond to without even really deciding. In Sagittarius, we have something that might be religious, is surely international, and could involve bankers (for instance, in China or Saudi Arabia). There is money involved; the issue of the squandered wealth of the nation may come home to roost. Will it stick around for breakfast? We shall see.

There is a third factor. That is Pluto reaching the Galactic Core for the first time in the history of the United States. Pluto, with a 248-year orbit, was on the Galactic Core at the time the founders were coming up with their ideas for a better way to run a country, and recognizing that the colonies had fallen under the tyranny of the English monarchy.

Pluto on the GC is astrology of enlightenment and awareness. Pluto, a soul-level force, reaches the center of our local cosmos, which has some very high-minded themes, and if it could talk would sound a lot like Martin Luther King. This process stretches over the next two years that it will take for Pluto to cross and clear the GC, and this will be a dominant theme of the final years of the Bush-Cheney presidency.

Events surrounding March 29 are the first big turning point in that story. It would seem that, once again, we get another shock that wakes us up for a while. This one may do a pretty good job. Yet what is genuinely frightening is how many awakening events like this go by and how few people seem to care; how many people cannot be bothered, because the "news," "politics," and the "fate of the Earth" are rarely equated as one concept.

It's unfortunate that most people don't know they've been ripped off till they have no food to eat. Then, anger trumps their fear-based "conservatism," and politics is abandoned altogether for a deeper level of social action. I really hope it doesn't come to that.

The 3/29 cluster should help speed things along, and it comes at a good time—the spring—when protest is both possible because the weather is breaking, as well as traditional, and allows a nice energy vent after being trapped indoors for six months.

In the sign-by-sign horoscope, I'll look at how these events affect us, as best as it's possible to tell using Sun-sign astrology. There are some clues available, but for sure we've arrived at one of those points where it will be possible to shed a few layers, drop some baggage, and leave at least some of the past behind. That we'll be seeing some intense news at the same time will add excitement and a touch of devil-be-damned at a time that should, by all indications, be a momentous and inspiring era in our lives.


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