Wednesday, May 31, 2006

right to vote ...

In the beginning of what is now the United States, we each had a vote in a democracy.

Not exactly true I realize, because women and others were not allowed, but stay with me.

When there were "too many" of us for that to be practical, we decided to elect a "representative" ...

Someone to speak for a group of us, and the same in the next county or whatever division.

... after a while our "representatives" figured out how to represent their own interests ahead of ours.

If you follow what I am saying, and I think you do well enough, you likely know that by now what our "elected representation" does has almost nothing to do with the Will of The People.

Now we continue to play this polished game of "electing" those who cannot be in a position to BE elected except they have already been bought by someone who will "help" them BE in office, or ...

... in the off chance someone does get to office another way, he or she will be owned soon enough, or not survive.

"Tampered computer voting" and stolen elections and all that menagerie is another area designed to subvert people acting in their own best interest - in essence more conspiracy theory if you will.

In the Information Age where hardly anyone now does not have access to a computer, why do we continue to trudge to the POLLING PLACE ?
Well, because we have that right - right?
Because we FOUGHT for it. Because some segments of society had to STRUGGLE so their descendants could vote with the rest of the population. Many reasons, and yet ...

Holding elections, even computerized, is still the same as a century ago, or two centuries ... Differences - yes - but basically the same. Only the Amish still drive horse and carriage, but our election process is stuck in a muddy track.

Since we have these computers, since I am accosted by at least a dozen surveys every time I go online, since it is so easy to gather and store information digitally, since there areways to verify source and accuracy of information; ie. MY VOTE ...

Why the hell do we even need *elected representatives* now ?

When there is an issue, we can each of us have our say, tally up all the INDIVIDUAL votes ... and there it is. No need to pay some jackass to accept a bribe to have enough $$ to get himself reelected when you sensibly want him gone, so he can continue to ignore you and me who pay him even more $$ he does not need anyway.

Executive by consensus. If Khofi does not like it, he can come knock on my door and we can have a nice chat about Rwanda ... : )


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