Tuesday, June 12, 2007

should any one decide the future of everyone ?

Johnny Silver Bear did a good job explaining how House of Rothschild came into being and what it has "achieved" in this world during the almost two centuries of its existence. Tthe article was historically concise and did not include the innuendo I so often see included with that subject.

"The Illuminati and the House of Rothschild"
- http://www.redicecreations.com/specialreports/2005/08aug/redshield.html

The author tied everything together well, and I have to say, if I had not know much about what he included, I would be at least skeptical rather than believing it straight out; however, I have read all that before many times, and most often with a lot of rumour and nonsense included, so I am better able to sort fact from fiction as regards HoR and Bank of England and Federal Reserve, etc.

Yesterday I also read the entire wiki page on Aurelio Peccei - stunned to find out he was president of Olivetti when I worked for Olivetti, went through their training and all ... stunned I say because my estimation of Mr. Peccei was not high before I read that wiki article, and I am asking myself, "Is it higher now ?"

A challenge with wikipedia is that not everything there is "proven" - and who has time to prove every fact ? - like with the HoR piece, who has time to follow up every item to be sure it is correct ?

In defense of wikipedia, even though some items are marked "needs citation" and are in that sense opinion, those opinions are moderated, and if someone adds something which is simply outrageous, it is edited out or at least challenged, perhaps marked for removal, as I have done myself - the point being that what is available in wikipedia is generally a "collection of knowledge" which presents a moderate view of a subject and at least gives readers enough information to follow up with their own research.

What is disturbing me after yesterday's reading is not new to me, but more pointed now. I have my own ideas of "the way things should be" as I am sure you do also, and we each have "one vote" as it were. I am sure those minds, like Aurelio Peccei's and even Meyer Bauer's (or Mayer Rothschild), were good and capable minds, and in the case of the former at least, had good intentions for the future of the world ... but should any one person, or even a small group, actually decide the future of everyone ?

Should they ?

Reading about the Club of Rome yesterday was not the first time I have seen the "products" of their thinking described so positively - more often I have read quite negative reviews of CoR activities, and it is hard for me to decide whether all the negativity and pessimism about Club of Rome and like organizations, such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) are simply people who think more like I do, that each of us ought to have a vote in what our futures will be.

Are there enough "responsible" human beings willing to take charge of their own lives, live and work honestly as "just good people" ... or is there really such a need for overall supervision of everyone's lives on this planet ?

Can CFR and the like actually keep nations out of conflict with each other by imposing some "superior authority" (force) on them in exchange for those nations giving up some of their sovereignty, or being forced to relinquish it if they are a "belligerent" nation, or will that turn out to be just a ploy to control all nations without actually ever *delivering* any improvement in the quality of life and living for human beings generally ... kind of like what the Untied Nations seems to have accomplished so far ?

What about you ? Would you yield control to these "think tank" groups and hope for the best, or would you rather keep your own vote for your own future, teach your children to think the same.

As I look at how far some of these organizations have progressed toward their stated goals, and they do raise some valid points, I wonder if I am just wasting my time with all my blather about Personal Sovereignty and freedom of choice, etc.

Is there any future in it do you think ?

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