Monday, June 11, 2007

we are a nation divided ...

My response to a reader:

Without yet knowing nearly enough about me, as freely as you use the word "hate" you have said of me:
You on the other hand have nothing but criticism for the Iraq War and its errors and unlike the greatest generation want to surrender Iraq to the enemy.

What praise ought I have for the illegal occupation of Iraq by U.S. military forces ?

Yes, I opposed this "war" which is NOT a war since before it began, since before the U.S. invaded Afghanistan.

Under *rule of law* the atrocities of September 11, 2001, should have been investigated the same as any other criminal act of murder, the same as any other destruction of property - public or private, the same as any other airline hijackings, AND the same as ANY OTHER *abuse of power* by corrupt United States government "officials"

Yet it was not - none of it.

Even a visitor from another planet, once familiar with our language, would easily recognize names of those "responsible" for "The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States" as being not only complicit in "failures" leading up to September 11, but also that some of those names for decades have been associated with "trademark" false flag operations conducted all around this world by the corporate United States government

The "911 commission" was a hand picked crew chosen not only to save their own backsides (and promotions and pensions) personally, but to make sure only *selected* evidence was produced to avoid the hard questions which still need to be answered about *what happened* on September 11, 2001

As I have said before, the U.S. government has no difficulty at all retrieving wreckage of aircraft and of ships from the bottom of oceans, and yet all the evidence of criminal acts on September 11, evidence which was on dry land and easily accessible, were hauled away and buried or recycled as quickly as possible with no real forensic examination of any of that evidence allowed.

Why IS that do you suppose ?

Yes - I very well KNOW that you do not want to entertain such *nonsense*

Neither did I, Sir - neither did I

I just reached a point where I could no longer ignore the evidence.

Yes - I well enough understand the social and financial hardships you would face were you to begin to "see" beyond what "appears to be true" in your current view.

We are a nation divided, just as we were so often cautioned against in our "school days"

Ain't it grand ?



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