Wednesday, January 17, 2007

media monopoly conserving power ...

"Brent Bozell believes that media bias has reached its worst level in the past 24 years, distorting the truth about the war, the economy and more. A new study released by the non-partisan Center for Media and Public Affairs confirms Brent’s claims, noting that 77 percent of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news coverage was favorable to Democrats this fall, while 88 percent of the coverage given GOP candidates was negative.

"ABC News Political Director Mark Halperin, appearing on The O’Reilly Factor, admitted that the media elite are biased. He particularly noted the adulatory coverage of liberal Democrat Nancy Pelosi compared to the mean-spirited coverage the networks dumped on Newt Gingrich back in 1994. “If I were a conservative,” confessed Halperin, “I would feel suspicious that I was not going to get a fair break at the end of an election.”

"Anticipating an even greater flood of bias from the liberal media, the Media Research Center has launched the ‘Demand the Media "Tell the Truth!" about Liberal Leadership’ petition to give outraged citizens a platform to hold the media accountable."
- Media Research Center (asking for donations)

What a bizarre place Americans live in now.

The U.S. Department of Defense website right now lists at least 16 accomplishments U.S. troops have made for the Iraqi people and their infrastructure.

DOD website is not under control of so-called mainstream (corporate) U.S. "media" so Defense can list those accomplishments ...

... but look for them in your local newspaper, or try to find them on TV ?

You will NOT !

Why ?

Because should corporate media list accomplishments in Iraq would indicate that things are going WELL in Iraq.

That would mean there is little need for U.S. troops to remain in Iraq, and that would mean having to fill airspace and print with something other than the "Iraq story" ...

... and that might put increased pressure on media to actually INVESTIGATE something.

I continue to hear these ragtag arguments from the far Left that media is right biased, and from the far Right that media is left biased, and it makes no sense at all.

Whatever BIAS there is in today's American media has to do with one thing only:

Monopolistic power *conserving* monopolistic power.


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